koma was presented by soleCALIBUR // director + creator

"The provocative mood piece, developed over four years in collaboration with a talented ensemble of artists and performers (including several members of the sensational Found Theater Company), is emotive and imaginative, evoking the surreal sensibility of a haunting dream...Along with the production’s affecting theme and delivery, the technical mastery of Butler and his team is evident in the clarity and layering of sound, sharp visual focus, and seamless synchronicity between the two. Butler also impresses with his use and command of a full range of filmic devices, including looping, double exposures, split-screen images, and split-second transitions. To enhance koma’s sense of intimacy and to capture the protagonist’s physical and psychological isolation, soleCALIBUR limits the size of the audience to small groups of five to twenty people, enabling us to view the visual projection up close, while listening to the soundscape through personal headsets. It all works; we really feel it.

Supplementing the show are a CD of the soundtrack and a richly-designed book, Ruin Us Instead, which beautifully combines documentation with artistry." - Deb Miller, DC Metro Theater Arts